Still getting used to this blog marlarkey, so pictures are not properly aligned will edit when I get chance! If anyones got any tips would be helpful...
Hey there, just found this through Last.FM and I have to say that it's very nice!
I'll throw you a link up on the blogs I've got going at the moment. I don't get a ton of traffic on Mamucium and the other one's only three days old but it's got potential.
I'll have a listen to that DJ set and see what I think.
I also notice that you've set yourself up a photobox gallery for yourself. How's that going? you making any money off it?
I should write something trite and meaningful, bold and exciteing but I really cant be bothered.
Besides all that active stuff below I'm interested in anything creative; primarilly Photography and music but I also enjoy writing, graphic design, graphic novels, animation (particularly Asian Manga Style stuff!), film noir and foreign cinema.
I'm 29 and currently residing in the North West although I'm fiercley Southern! However depite this I love the North and all its given me, except a bastardised accent. Northerners call me a filthy Cockney and my own call me a Northern Monkey - I cant win!!!
You can see all of my photographs here...
1 comment:
Hey there, just found this through Last.FM and I have to say that it's very nice!
I'll throw you a link up on the blogs I've got going at the moment. I don't get a ton of traffic on Mamucium and the other one's only three days old but it's got potential.
I'll have a listen to that DJ set and see what I think.
I also notice that you've set yourself up a photobox gallery for yourself. How's that going? you making any money off it?
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